Open for prayer

Cathedral opening hours
9am - 4pm | Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday
9am - 8pm | Tuesdays & Thursdays
9am - 6.30pm | Saturday

Regular times of prayer
The Rosary | 9.40 Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday & 7pm Tuesday
Divine Mercy Chaplet | 7.15pm Thursday

Eucharistic Adoration
10am - 7pm | every Tuesday & Thursday, in the Adoration Chapel.

Why pray?

Whilst you may have been taught how to pray as a child, it is important to rediscover prayer in adulthood as your intimate connection with your creator.

Through prayer, you can maintain a relationship with God, sharing your experiences with Him and asking Him for what you need or truly desire.

Pray for our mission

Growth is only possible through prayer.

Here at St Peter’s, we believe in the power of prayer and we ask you to pray for our mission so that we can continue to grow. We want to bring more and more people from our city into a relationship with Jesus.

What is Eucharistic adoration?

Eucharistic adoration is a form of prayer in which the Church gathers to pray before Jesus, present in the form of bread.

When we encounter the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, we open ourselves to a living relationship with God the Father.